Action on Reported Changes 430-05-67-15

(Revised 04/01/07 ML3072)

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When a simplified reporting household reports a change other than one of the mandatory reportable changes, the worker must determine if the change will result in an increase or decrease in benefits.


If the result on the benefit is not obvious, the benefit calculator or hand budget must be used.  A copy of the benefit calculator or hand budget must be retained in the casefile as documentation of the action taken on the change.


Once a determination has been made on a change and documented, the report of an additional change does not effect the documented change.



A household reports a change in income on March 5th.  The worker, using the benefit calculator, determines the change will result in a decrease in benefits, documents the change was not acted on by putting a copy of the budget in the casefile.


On March 9th the household reports and verifies a change in rent with a signed statement from the landlord.  Since verification is from a primary source, the change in rent must be acted on to increase or decrease benefits.  The change in rent is made based on the last issued benefit.


The March 9th change verified by a primary source does not effect the change in income reported on March 5th as a documented determination was made at the time that change was reported.


If the March 5th change in income was not acted on or documented, the change in income must be made along with the change in rent to increase or decrease benefits as the rent verification is primary source.


If a household reports a change via voice-mail or e-mail on a weekend, holiday or after hours, the change is considered reported on the next working day.